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Live Life to the Fullest

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

As a Personal Trainer and Health Coach, a consistent question I get from clients is, “How do I eat healthy and not be left feeling hungry?” Below are some healthy and filling foods that I eat, but are also suggested by Registered Dietician Nutritionists.

First and foremost water. Yes, I realize water isn’t food, however, we’ve all heard that sometimes when you’re hungry, you’re actually thirsty. Drinking water can often fix the perceived feeling of hunger. Plus you’ll stay hydrated. Additionally, try munching on fruits and vegetables like grapefruit, watermelon, red peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes. The bonus: a lot of fruits and vegetables are more than 90 percent water. The combination of fruits, veggies and water should have you feeling fuller.

Try adding some of the following foods to your diet to easily increase your fiber intake. Fiber provides bulk and helps you feel full for longer. Oatmeal, avocado (and most fruits and veggies), legumes (i.e. lentils, chickpeas, and black beans).

Did you know protein boosts fullness through an action in the brain? When protein foods are in your stomach, your brain gets the signal that increases your biological fullness. Fat is the most satisfying of all nutrients for taste, flavor and fullness. With that in mind, choose heart-healthy proteins and fats to keep you fuller longer. Fatty fish, eggs, greek yogurt, avocados, nuts (i.e. almonds and pistachios) are all heart-healthy proteins and fats.

Some other great filling foods (especially for snacking) include popcorn, rice cakes or puffed rice cereals.

Remember everyone is unique with different bodies and objectives in their journey to improved diet and health. For a more personalized approach to your diet, consult a Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN). RDNs can customize a healthful eating plan just for you.

Cheers, happiness, and healthiness,


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